It’s your NOPE OF THE DAY: Rangers at Eisenhower State Park in Texas have been finding gigantic clumps of earthworms PERFECTLY LINED UP in the center of a local road. What could it mean? What are the earthworms up to? What are they trying to tell us? Does it have something to do with THE COMING APOCALYPSE? Are they lining up to join an alien army? THE END IS NIGH, PEOPLE! The worms are ORGANZING!
Watch the video below and NEVER SLEEP AGAIN.
From the DW (who coined the term “street spaghetti” to describe the phenomenon):
Texas has experienced some extreme rain and flooding over the past week so it presumably has something to do with that.
They think either they were looking for dry land or grouping together to escape the the rain which sounded like predators.
Earthworms tend to clump together when making “group decisions,” according to a report several years ago from the BBC.
“We’re still puzzled why they decided to line up in the middle of the road,” Park Superintendent Ben Herman told ABC News. “Even our biologist doesn’t know why they’re spaced so well and in the line.”
The squirmy little things stayed there for 2 days before heading back underground, and no other park in Texas experience similar phenomenon.
Hmmm. Hordes of earthworms makings “group decisions” – I don’t like the sound of THAT.
The post #StreetSpaghetti: Terrifying Piles of Earthworms Appear on Texas Road appeared first on World of Wonder.